Tag: ministry
Now what?
Words: 274 Time to read: 1 minute Joshua watched Moses’ final trek up the mountain. Elisha watched Elijah taken up in a whirlwind. The disciples watched Jesus taken up in a cloud. These were not insignificant figures passing off the scene. These were bold and once-in-a-lifetime men who God had used greatly. Now what? There is… Read more
The broken helpers
There are times that I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s not that I wasn’t prepared. It’s not that I haven’t read about it in a book. It’s not even that I haven’t experienced a similar problem. But, when push comes to shove, in this case with these circumstances, it’s different.… Read more
The fishbowl
Discouragement is a natural part of the ministry. You have ups and downs. You have good days and bad days. That is true about any profession. The ministry perhaps is unique in the fact that not only is it a job, it ought to be far more than that. It’s easy to wear your emotions… Read more
If a tree falls…
Words: 735 Time to read: 4 minutes The easiest person to deceive is yourself. The lies that we tell ourselves are manifold and quite often lead to difficult choices. No one makes us believe the lies, we just choose to buy into them. Often they’re convoluted to disguise personal failure, save face, and maintain the charade… Read more
What do to when the cat dies
Words: 696 Time to read: 4 minutes If evangelism is the heartbeat of Jesus, then discipleship ought to be the breath that sustains the local church. This is exhausting, demanding work but is an absolute necessity to bring believers to maturity in Christ. Discipleship is often a seemingly trivial conversation (to you, dear mature believer) or… Read more
A living sacrifice
Words: 874Time to read: 5 minutes Perhaps one of the most difficult decisions in the Christian walk is when we have to yield the good we do for Christ so that we can give Him our best. In the Gospel ministry, you may have surrendered. You may have given up on your dreams, plans, and… Read more
The measure of faithfulness
Words: 1434 Time to read: 8 minutes I recently had a conversation that was thought provoking well beyond the scope of what we were actually discussing. That you can have that type of conversation and stimulate further thought is challenging and engaging. This was a veritable trip down memory lane, recounting colleagues and fellow students from… Read more
Whose justice?
Words: 348 Time to read: 2 minutes We live in a world that clamors for justice. This is largely due to the mentality that we are all victims and in some form or other we are due something to make up for the wrong done to us. The greater issue is that while we hear much… Read more
Be an example
Words: 364 Time to read: 2 minutes Paul exhorted Timothy to be an example. Timothy was younger than perhaps the majority of the church. Yet, God had given him the solemn task of leading others to Christ and spiritual maturity. This is not always an easy task, especially for someone young in age. Perhaps Timothy had… Read more
A revival of thirsting hearts
Words: 225 Time to read: 1 minute We would do well to remember that the doctrines of devils foretold by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul are active and becoming ever more influential in the religious landscape. Often I am astounded by the lack of spiritual wisdom in promoting certain leaders and ideas. Not that… Read more
A stalwart commitment to His Word
Words: 224 Time to read: 1 minute A stalwart commitment to God’s Word and right doctrine is essential to navigate the difficult days in which we live. This commitment exceeds a 45-minute sermon or any amount of time spent in an organized church setting. While many pulpits have turned into mere platforms for moralizing and inspiring,… Read more
Successful ministry
Words: 249 Time to read: 1 minute Successful ministry is not always measured in the visible result of the work. Many times it’s the invisible growth and personal faithfulness that counts. I can’t help but think of the Old Testament prophets. These men were social pariahs proclaiming God’s infallible word to a rebellious people who were… Read more
The overflow
It’s rare to find someone who truly cares and flips the switch on or off. It’s rare to find someone who makes a profound difference in the life of another who is doing it just 9 to 5. It’s rare to encounter someone who is impacting others who is doing it simply for the paycheck.… Read more
The great work of prayer
“[Satan] is much more afraid of our prayer than of our work.” So Elizabeth Elliot summarizes the whole thrust of the spiritual battle in which we are engaged. It is far easier to engage in work because there can usually be immediate tangible results as opposed to the often soul-searching labor that is prayer. We… Read more
In the eternal view
There’s a popular concept to take the long view. Don’t settle for doing things necessarily more cost-effective in the moment, because believe it or not, it may actually be more expensive in the long run. To me the first thing that comes to mind are shoes. Not inherently obvious is the cost of the shoe… Read more
The only One that matters
Our human nature clamors for recognition of contribution. Our motivation in the Gospel ministry cannot be which conference I will be asked to speak at, or what monetary gift I will receive, or how ministry partners will perceive what I’m doing (or not). I can have a large ministry. I can have a large influence.… Read more
An alluring substitute
The Lord saved me when I was 6 years old and called me into the ministry when I was 9. Not only did I receive my call to ministry at that early age, but I was already well guided in the direction of Brazil. The Lord had put 2 Brazilians in our church at the… Read more
Hanging on to hurt
Do you want to hang on to this hurt? I’d asked that question many times before. The response I received this time startled me somewhat, “I’ll have to think about it.” I may have graciously (or not so) recovered from that response. I didn’t even know people were so willing to hang on to something… Read more
One of the greatest lies that Satan can sell you is that you are alone. That no one cares. That no one experiences the crippling doubts, fears, and discouragement that you’re bearing right now. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Not only are you carrying that load, but so has many a faithful Christian down through… Read more
(Not) all in a day’s work
What can you get done in a day? The possibilities certainly seem endless. Still, there are numerous factors. Calendar. Meetings. Interruptions. Conversations. Ideas. Eating. More meetings. Commuting. Coffee–or two—or three. But each day brings its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. And as creatures of order (at least to some degree) we like closure.… Read more