Words: 249
Time to read: 1 minute
Successful ministry is not always measured in the visible result of the work. Many times it’s the invisible growth and personal faithfulness that counts. I can’t help but think of the Old Testament prophets. These men were social pariahs proclaiming God’s infallible word to a rebellious people who were at ease and didn’t think God was going to do as he said. Many of them never even saw their prophecy come to fruition.
And yet…
They faithfully preached God’s word—on the street, in the synagogues, in private, anywhere they were. These were not always messages that went with the prevailing winds. Often, they were quite contrary; however, this was God’s desire for them. This was their mission. This was their calling. Even in the midst of a stiff-necked and rebellious people.
I wonder when our labor is judged by Christ how much will truly be gold, silver, and precious stone, and how much will be wood, hay, and stubble? Perhaps the flash of the here and now will be consumed in the fire and that which we as humans so easily dismiss—slow, steady growth and faithfulness—will be that which counts most for eternity?
Never judge your ministry by the standards of another man. You’re not him, not in that place, and don’t have the gifts or maybe even the same calling as he has. Let God sort it out. Just be faithful and true to God’s word. Eternity will truly tell what was a successful ministry.