Now what?

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Words: 274

Time to read: 1 minute

Joshua watched Moses’ final trek up the mountain. Elisha watched Elijah taken up in a whirlwind. The disciples watched Jesus taken up in a cloud. These were not insignificant figures passing off the scene. These were bold and once-in-a-lifetime men who God had used greatly.

Now what?

There is always a pull from the old generation that the new generation does not have the same values, drive, or motivation. There is always a temptation from the new generation that the old generation is antiquated and disconnected. Neither has to be true.  When the previous generation is truly invested in the next, even if the cultural winds have shifted, all that matters is the purpose. 

Joshua didn’t have to sit around trying to write out a motivating mission statement. He knew where he was going. Elisha didn’t have to wonder what was next. The disciples didn’t need to wait long until their task was crystallized. The example of the previous generation was compelling to the next. The fervor of the past emboldened the faith of the present. Perhaps the specifics weren’t all too clear. But the general idea of moving forward for the honor and glory of God was constant. 

It’s possible that the previous generation had men and women who left an indelible mark for ages to come. We should be grateful for past heroes of the faith. But we would do well to never forget that we don’t need to emulate the past to have God’s power or presence today. We don’t need another Moses or Elisha. We have Jesus. His Word is still true. His Work will continue onward. He is enough.

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